Epidural Injections

Epidural Injections

Epidural Injections services offered in Newburyport, Danvers and Gloucester, MA

Epidural injections can dramatically ease back, leg, and neck pain for several months or longer. At Pain Management Centers of New England, the premier provider of comprehensive pain management services in Essex county, patients can have epidural injections in a safe and comfortable environment at three locations in Gloucester, Danvers, or Newburyport, Massachusetts. The practice promotes pain awareness and advocates for those suffering silently. The team of pain management specialists helps put the burden of pain aside so you can enjoy a better quality of life. Call the nearest office to make your appointment, or click the online scheduling link.

Epidural Injections QA

What are cervical, thoracic, and lumbar epidural injections?

Epidural injections into the neck (cervical), middle back (thoracic), or lower back (lumbar) region of the spine can reduce swelling and provide pain relief long term. 

Epidural injections deliver medicine to the area around the spinal cord, often an anesthetic (numbing medication), along with anti-inflammatory medication to specific painful areas in your neck or back. 

These injections go into the epidural space just outside your spinal cord and work to numb painful nerves and reduce inflammation in the immediate area, leading to significant pain relief.

When might I need epidural injections?

If you have neck, back, or radiating leg pain (sciatica) that doesn’t improve with more conservative methods like medication and physical therapy, you could get relief from epidural injections.

Some people also opt for epidural injections when medication helps with their pain, but they’d like a longer-lasting solution that doesn’t require daily pills. 

Some of the specific conditions that epidural injections may help with include: 

  • Herniated discs
  • Lumbar spinal stenosis
  • Degenerative disc disease
  • Bone spurs
  • Chronic pain following back surgery (failed back surgery syndrome)

Up to 80% of people with problems like spinal stenosis and herniated discs get good results from epidural injections. Every person’s needs are different, so Pain Management Centers of New England can review your case in detail and help you choose the pain relief method to serve you best. 

What happens during epidural injections?

Pain Management Centers of New England perform epidural injections conveniently in the office. While you’re on your stomach or side, the team might use fluoroscopy X-ray imaging to guide the ideal injection location in your spine.

You may feel pressure during the treatment, but most people tolerate the injection process very well. After your injection, a family member or friend can drive you home. Generally, you can return to your regular activities (except for heavy lifting and strenuous exercise) the next day. 

When will I notice results after an epidural injection?

After your injection, you generally experience a steady improvement in pain relief over the next few days. After that, your pain relief may last from a few weeks to a few months.

If your pain comes back, you can have several injections yearly. Or Pain Management Centers of New England may recommend another option such as radiofrequency ablation, an implantable spinal cord stimulator, kyphoplasty, or mild® procedure for lasting results.

Pain Management Centers of New England use the latest solutions for chronic pain. Call the office to learn more about how the practice can help you, or book your consultation online today.